

Well Being Procedure

If you feel a well being procedure is all that you need right now, but you don’t have time for that or the therapist is not available, then this Balance is for you.

Each Well being procedure needs 10 – 15 mins. 

Intense Rewiring

Stressful situations

With Psych K, it’s easy to transform one’s perception of stressful situation. In business, Stressful situation could be related to team, sales, profits, payments. In relationship, stressful situation could be related to parenting, disharmony, breakups, family patterns, societal limiting beliefs. In personal life, stressful situation could be due to behavioral conditioning, traumas, self sabotaging beliefs, procrastination. In health, any medical condition can be addressed at psychological level with Psych K.
In daily life, stressful situations could be booking a cab, commuting, house-help services, time management.

This Session needs 45 mins.

Goal Statements

With Psych K, its easy to install new beliefs and goal statements in one’s subconscious.
In business, goal statement could be relating money, wealth management, profits, sales, turnover, human resource.
In relationship, goal Statement could be for children, partner, family well being, love, trust, faith, harmony, joy, peace.
In field of health, goal statement could be relating to one’s fitness levels, body parameters, outer appearance, inner core strength.
In personal, goal statement could be related to values, virtues, personal power, self esteem.
In spirituality, goal Statements could be related to God, Divine, principles of nature.

This Session needs 45 mins.

Stressful Situations & Goal Statements

With Psych K, its easy to install new beliefs and goal statements in one’s subconscious. And also , With Psych K, it’s easy to transform one’s perception of stressful situation. 

This Session needs 45 mins.

Life Bonding Balance

In this process, you will be able to identify and transform any subconscious limiting belief & resistance that you have about your conception, your gestation & birth and about the perception that you have about death.

This Session needs 45 mins.

Alternate Life Balance

In this process, you will be able to identify and transform any subconscious limiting belief & resistance created by your physical or emotional condition and choose any alternative circumstances that seem important such as different parents, socio-economic status, geography, or any other relevant factor that would lead to life of health and well-being.

This Session needs 45 mins.

Living Resurrection Balance

In this process, you will be able to identify and transcend all your fears and receive wisdom to lead a more meaningful and satisfying life.

This Session needs 45 mins.

Principles Of Nature

In this process, one can align oneself with “Wisdom and Principles Of Nature”, to create a more joyful, satisfying and happy life, by living in harmony with Nature.

This protocol needs total 3 hours (i.e) 3 – 60 Mins Sessions

Gain Rapport

Rapport Balance

The foundation for all communication is Rapport. With rapport, communication is comfortable and effortless. In this process, as you gain rapport, you are certain to feel greater personal satisfaction with your interactions.

This Balance needs 1 Hour.

Embrace Wisdom

Relationship Balance

This process deepens the understanding between two people by identifying and transforming the issues that challenge them. It could be used with couples, parents, children, friendships or any other relationship.

This Session needs 90 mins.

Messages Protocol

Often life situations and conditions have some message for us.
This process assists in identifying such messages in form of an insight, a change in perspective, a life style change etc.

This Session needs 90 mins.

Transforming Reactive Responses

Through this process, you can free yourself from reactive responses like coughing, sneezing, watery eyes or welts, enabling you enjoy life with ease.

This Session needs 90 mins.

Foundational Reboot

Core Belief Balance

In this process, you will discover and change your core beliefs that may be blocking you from achieving your desired goals in life. The Balance transcends beliefs that represent such basic, vital issues as self love, forgiveness, connection to divine intelligence etc. The subconscious mind occasionally selects this Balance when the system is ready for broad foundational change in a short period.

This Protocol needs 2 hours

Optimal Health & Wellbeing Balance

In this process, you can discover and change subconscious beliefs that may be blocking achievement of optimal health in body, mind and spirit. & at same time, create new potential In form of qualities and attributes associated with optimal health including immune system functioning.

This Protocol needs 2 hours