About Me

An entrepreneur by passion and a stock market enthusiast. Graduated as electronics and communication engineer from VTU University, Karnataka.

My journey towards transformation began with a deep desire to find a way out from all the stressful life situations I was experiencing in my early 20s. Every vertical of my life was far away from the state of balance. Hormonal imbalances, loneliness, failure in career, limited wealth, broken relationships had all taken a toll on my physical, mental and emotional well-being. It was during these times that I found law of attraction, & understood that everything outside is reflection of my inside. And from there arose the strong urge to work on my inner self so as to witness changes i was looking for in my outside world. My seek for self transformation connected me with PSYCH-K® in the year 2022. Within three months of practicing PSYCH-K®, I started seeing several life situations turning peaceful, which left me surprised and awestruck with the PSYCH-K® process. I also facilitated sessions with my inner circle and found them jumping in joy seeing the results. These successes raised my faith on PSYCH-K® to rock solid levels & I hold immense reverence for the PSYCH-K® thought form in my heart.

Now I find myself emotionally well, mentally strong, physically fit, pursuing my passion with enthusiasm. Greater credit for this transformation goes to PSYCH-K®.

It’s an honour for me to facilitate PSYCH-K® sessions and I commit to offer the best possible service to my partners.