In 2016, I was with my friends. We were enjoying donuts and night talks. Around 5am, my friend bid bye, heading towards airport in cab. Walking down the street towards my room, I see a silent dog jumping on me, biting badly on my calf. Not knowing if that’s what is exactly called a dog bite, I asked a passing by uncle if the dog has biten me. He says yes and walks off. I call up my cousin, who is a doctor, informing him it all. He says to wash it with flowing water and immediately visit the doctor. With injections loaded up, I end up sleeping next 2 days. I was born again as dog-o-phobic person. The fear was to such extent that I would choose next street to reach my destination than choose the one with any dog standing in it. I would turn back again n again just to confirm if dog I just passed by, isn’t coming behind me to attack me.

Life appeared the best without dogs on the planet.

Nature has its own principle of always completing the circle. It puts me in a situation wherein my visits to my home town turned weekly. And I would stay at my aunt’s home. The same year, they adopted Rottweiler as their pet, naming it Oreo.

Oreo was kind of a mountain in my life. Staying with Oreo under same roof sounded more tough than the 100s of business matters at my hand in my home town. Oreo knew I am scared of it, so initially as I was a stranger, it tried to scare me too. It loved showing it’s power and activeness and jumping skills, when I was around. My heart would beat fastest and mind would stop all the shit and just stay fucking alert n present to it’s moves.

Ofcourse, Oreo’s overpowering nature made me realise again n again that I have given up all my powers to my fear and past experience to such an extent that it’s making me feel fucked up just with it’s presence. However, Gathering all the strength, I stood behind Oreo, while it was chained. My posture appeared as though I was about to lit an laxmi bomb (firecracker) and run bumping and falling. And from behind, I took a pic of both of us, feeling immensely proud of standing behind a dog. Again That same evening, Oreo stood at gate, & I was on the road, waiting for it to be chained.

Now, I envisioned a pic with Oreo Beside me. Knowing Psych-K, I decided to transform my past experience of dog bite. I did a lot of perception change & Ofcourse for the frequent visits I was having, I found myself ok with both of us being in different rooms under same roof. Yes, that was a big deal too. When I would see it beside or around me, I would just close my eyes tight, hearing my own heart beat. Each time my desire of clicking a pic with Oreo Beside grew stronger. I started working with my fear and just did perception change of the immense stress I felt. And soonest, that day came, where both of us sat beside each other with distance of one feet between us. Oreo was instructed to sit in a posture by its guardian. And the loyal  kiddo obeyed his master, making It a cake walk for me to click the pic and fulfill my desire. God, I posted that pic on insta and whatsapp, for it was a big deal for me.