PSYCH-K®️ is an experience. Only experience can bring you into its awareness.

When all paths apparently appeared closed to my physical senses of being, I received a call from my aunt who said “Radz, let me connect you to my uncle. I am sure he will be able to give you your answers.” For a moment, I paused, but said “Ok. I will connect with him. And I had a  2.5 hour conversation with him that made me understand “outer world is mere reflection of my relation with myself ie. My inner world ie. The story I say myself about myself. 

Rewinding the story a little, let me introduce you to my friends Sparsh, Maan and Anya, with whom a trip to Himachal was planned. I had my flight tickets from Bangalore to Chandigarh and just three days before the departure, my friend Sparsh started fights with all of us and eventually just the night before the departure, the trip was cancelled, leaving a lot of misunderstanding amongst all four of us. Having the flight morning at 5 AM and trip being cancelled previous night at 11pm left me shattered with a lots of WHYs. Why did this happen to me? Why was I misunderstood? Why was I left alone? Why am I put this to test? Why this emotional disbalance? And what not !!!!!

All my WHYs received their answers through my uncle “Rajesh Toshniwal” who said, “that’s how is your relation with yourself”. And I replied “but I love friends. I always want to be with friends and I always want to be there for them.” Then he asked me, “but do you want them to be with you?” I said “yes ofcourse ! I want them to be with me, but this never happens. I always find my friends leaving me, when I need them the most.”

Then he explained me about the way the human mind is programmed during the early seven years of childhood, and he asked me “if my parents also didn’t have friends when I was a child.” I said “Not at all ! When I was a small child, My father had big group of over 20 friends and he was a party loving extrovert person and a very famous personality. Then my uncle asked me to name the one who was his closest friend. I said None. And then he made me understand that “though there were many people with my father, but no one was ever close to him.” And as a result of my conditioning during my childhood days, I adopted such behavioural pattern in my subconscious mind too. My subconscious mind pattern believed “I am there for everyone, but no one is there for me.”

Now I asked him “Ok ! So how do I come out of this.” He asked me “What I wanted instead.” I said “I want that all my friends are with me”. And he invited me to experience this goal statement being my subconscious belief through a very simple 5 minute process.

It took me a week to confirm him, “Yes ! I am ready to experience PSYCH-K® process. & that’s how I got introduced to the PSYCH-K® thought form.

Indeed, when all paths apparently appeared closed to my sense perceptions, THE PATH was SHOWN through PSYCH-K®.

Those 5 minutes totally changed the course of my life and here I AM embracing PSYCH-K® in every cell of my being.

I am truly grateful to my three friends, Sparsh, Maan and Anya, for being the inspired actions of my life, connecting me with PSYCH-K®.


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